Thursday, March 29, 2012

Morisqueta and Grilled Poblano Peppers Stuffed with Fresh Crema

What up! For the first real actual Gnar Food we are going to get cracking on this here blog is Morisqueta. Which is a recipe that my older sister..Cop Killa...would always make for me when i was younger. Its pretty much a kind of Tomato and Jalapeno sauce.This recipe is great due to how easy and simple and cheap it is to make! Its also great for making a bunch of and then freezing for later. Alright enough schmoozing bullshit talk lets get to the Gnar!

 First you going to need some Jalapeno's and Tomatoes! You know some of that good good! The good good pow-ski!
So you can just leave the tomato's the way they are but you wanna take the stems off of the old Pepparoonski's!
So then you going to want to throw them all in a pot of boiling water and let them boil in till they are kind of soft not to soft but a good amount of the soft action. You then want to get a bowl of ice water so that you can get the skin off of the Tomato's

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cheese Chips!

Cheese Chips!

For the first post for this site i decided to do something that i have always dreamed of but never had the balls to do.....Shit tons of burnt cheese! So if you have ever found your self when making a Quesadilla and putting more cheese on the pan then in the tortilla?  Do you ever wish you could eat just the fried cheese outside of a grilled cheese sandwich? Do you ever just straight up fry a fucking shit ton of cheese? Do you ever put a ton of cheese on a little tortilla and microwave it for way to long? Or you you just love the God that is Cheese and everything having to do with it.....Scope the dope my friend!

First off you have to get some cheese. Now I would always recommend the highest quality cheese sadly though for this I used some very shameful quality of Mozzarella. For this your going to want to use one of those block kind of cheese (Mozzarella,Cheddar etc.)  not like feta or some spread shit or something. All other cheese's seem to get the wrong consistency

Now preheat your oven to 350..Grate this cheese on up so that it will bake evenly.

Once the cheese is grated your going to want to take this opportunity to step this to epic! Add some spice to it! I like using Chili Powder or Cayenne Powder. You don't really want to use any hot sauce's because the liquid gets a little strange when baked....stick to the Pow Pow!

Alright now your going to want to get a baking pan and spread it out evenly but a fair amount over the bake pan.

Now throw the pan in the already heated oven. I would say bake for about 25-30 min or just keep an eye on it and pull it out when its a golden brown.

First thing you have to do is drain all the fat then get a spatula and pull the cheese off the pan and let it sit for 5 min. A that point it should be slightly brittle.  Then brake in to littler pieces. Now you have Cheese Chips!

These can be dipped in Salsa, Guacamole, Hot Sauce!, the good old Sriracha or really anything at all! Can also be used as crackers or Croutons for a Salad.  Really its cooked cheese its good how ever you eat it!  Enjoy! next time we do Traditional Korean BBQ that or Pho......